FarmGolf WVU Tailgate Pics – 2009

2009 Football Season




Opening Game Group Shot
Pictures of Nice People Only, Jerks Not Allowed
Don Ho, Moe and Gary
Truck doing “Community Service”
As the crowd chants “Show Your Tits”
Party Van
Timmy and Tiffani
KJ asking about the Rules of FarmGolf
Former Mountaineer with “Beard”
The V-P Arrives at FarmGolf
Dinner for Four
Skip on off the Field, Douche


KJ and the Commissioner Share a Laugh after a “shirtless guy” Inquires about Possibly Playing FarmGolf
The Deputy Commissioner Enjoys a Laugh
Coaches Night
Enjoying FarmGolf’s “Progressive Drinking Age”
Eyeing Up the Situation
Pre-Game Conversation
Inbreeding Promotional Van
6th Anniversary Discussion
FarmGolf Tailgate
Anniversary Pic
Ed Hardy Girl
Reporting on FarmGolf Tailgate for Channel 5
Tiffani and Da’Sean
Devine for the Final Touchdown
Old Mountaineers with Beards
Jasper Howard Remembered
Connecticut Post-Game
Out to the Deserted Blue Lot
StewBall is Now Trash-Free in the Blue Lot
Blowing Bubbles