3rd FarmGolf Celebrity Challenge Report, US FarmGolf Open Results, FarmGolf Music Library Approved to 300 GB, Spring FarmGolf Special Event Set, Nine Irony Poem, New FarmGolf Messageboard Delayed, British FarmGolf Open Scheduled for July 23rd, Women’s Tournament Set for August 19th
Founded in the Year 2000 – The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth about FarmGolf
3rd FarmGolf Celebrity Challenge Sets Attendance Record
(FGP) Nearly 6,000 paying customers were on hand on May 7, 2006 for the third installment of FarmGolf’s Celebrity Golf Challenge, with the theme for this year’s event being “Teacher Showdown”.
for the past few years, FarmGolf has received hundreds of emails from our younger male fans wanting a “celebrity challenge more to their liking”. So, the Board of Directors worked extra hard to meet this perennial challenge, and if we do say so ourselves we feel that we performed quite admirably with this year’s match-up.
Two of the hottest golfers ever to swing a club at the FarmGolf Complex were recruited for the 3rd celebrity challenge, as Debra Lafave and Pamela Rogers, (previously known as Pamela Rogers Turner) signed up for the May, 2006 event. Ms. Rogers, who is in the midst of meeting some legal obligations, demanded that 10% of tournament gross be turned over to her legal defense fund.
FarmGolf Photographer Tiffani Swanson took some publicity photos prior to the tournament. Both celebrity players had an early morning six-hole practice session, and a couple of the photos taken during the practice session are shown below.

With advance tickets to this special event priced at $30.00 each and adding in the various concession sales, the 3rd Celebrity Challenge grossed over $200,000.00. Another one of the many reasons that FarmGolf has turned into the world’s fastest growing sport. A nearly 50 percent increase in attendance for this event, when compared to the 2003 event, assures that the annual celebrity challenge will remain a major fundraiser for FarmGolf.
In the future, similar exhibitions such as this will be held at the existing course in New York and the soon to be opened Las Vegas course.

Play started at 2PM with Ms. Lafave teeing off on No. 1 hole, using a fresh, youthful golf ball. She buried her shot in the pond and had to take an extra stroke. Ms. Rogers also had trouble with her tee shot, and had to play from behind the Clubhouse. Errant shots occurred frequently during the first six holes, as both ladies went into intermission at +5.
The second six holes went much better both time wise and for overall crowd excitement. Several groups of young men led chants to cheer on each golfer. On Hole No. 11, Ms. Lafave took control as she lifted a fresh youthful ball quite smoothly from the tee box and placed it ever so softly on the lush, green carpet beside the hole. A light kiss of the putter buried it deep into the cup as she scored (a birdie). Ms. Rogers could not respond, as her juices were just not flowing properly and she could not maintain a firm grip on the fully erect club head.
With only the hole from hell, No. 12, remaining, Ms. Lafave easily clinched the title as champion of the 2006 FarmGolf Celebrity Challenge. The crowd responded loudly as the champion briefly flashed her younger fans. After Debra gave a big post-tournament thank you to all who came, or thought about coming, using the FarmGolf bullhorn, several of the special guests proceeded to a private gathering at the FarmGolf Clubhouse.
At some point in the later festivities, Doc Creed went “backstage” in the Clubhouse for a private talk with Ms. Lafave. According to Clubhouse sources, this conversation did not go too well. Some of the regular FarmGolfers attending the event had an enjoyable time guessing as to what really had happened.

The celebration for this very successful FarmGolf event finally concluded around daylight on May 8th. Another planned celebrity challenge is scheduled for this fall at the Las Vegas FarmGolf Course.
2006 US FarmGolf Open Report
(FGP) The 5th US FarmGolf Open had the hottest temperatures ever recorded for a tournament, as the temperatures hovered in the mid 90s all day. Rookie golfer Jerry Hamerski made his debut, which ended most successfully.
Three teams finished the round in late afternoon, while the fourth team of David Smith, Miles Runner and Mike Green retired after 12 holes. The intense heat and a sure fourth place finish gave the FarmGolf Quitters a reason to kick back in the Clubhouse. However, it was so hot that even the Clubhouse air-conditioning could not keep cooling up to par.
Doc Creed put on another chip clinic, and made birdie on No. 4 to give his team of Larry Smith and Jerry Hamerski the win. Josh Halfin, Mr. Second Place, again finished with Stan Fitzwater and G Sparks only one stroke back. In third place, Evan Heatherly and the Thorne boys finished two strokes back.
A new item to FarmGolf is the post-tournament karaoke competition. Stay tuned for detailed reports on this new after hours entertainment as it develops further, and you can be sure that karaoke will be a permanent fixture of FarmGolf tournaments.
2006 US FarmGolf Open Scoreboard
2006 US FarmGolf Open Gallery

FarmGolf Music Library Approved to 300GB
(FGP) After a wait of several months the RIAA finally approved expansion of the FarmGolf Music Library from 200GB to 300GB.
Cary Sherman, who came to FarmGolf back in 2003 to approve the original library, sent a letter via Fedex that FarmGolf could legally expand it’s extensive music collection to 300GB. Strong lobbying efforts by Gary Davis, Greg Voreh and G Sparks were instrumental in FarmGolf receiving final approval in this musical endeavor.
As a reward for the approval of the music library expansion, the Commissioner sent Cary a genuine FarmGolf tee-shirt. A few days, late the below picture arrived as an email attachment.

Special FarmGolf Event Set for April 7, 2007
(FGP) Mark your calendar for this Saturday in the spring of 2007. A special FarmGolf event will occur for a select few invitees. Details for this event will be posted as arrangements are made.
Newest Nine Irony Poem
FarmGolfers Unite by Nine Irony
Burning the flag, our nation’s symbol,
Those people’s brains wouldn’t fill half a thimble.
I mean, come on, the only reason you can,
Is because of the very thing for which it stands.
The politicians want to make a law,
“No burning allowed” and that is all.
But another law will bring more discontent,
And another unnecessary decision on which tax dollars are spent.
What we need is to meet in the middle,
No law is needed; listen to the man playing fiddle.
The burners need to learn respect.
Both how to have and earn it, I expect.
As all controversies go, this too shall pass,
But if you burn our flag, we’ll kick your ass!!
New and Improved FarmGolf Messageboard Delayed
(FGP) FarmGolf’s new members only board was slated to begin operations on June 10, 2006. However, due to technical difficulties encountered during the testing phases, the forum will not begin until late August, 2006.
As previously stated, all submitted message must obtain approval from the board administrator, who will then post it on the world’s most extremely private forum.
Spammers will have no chance at taking over this board as there will be no public link available online.
5th British FarmGolf Open – Sunday July 23, 2006
(FGP) The third major of 2006 will be held this coming Sunday, with tee times of 1PM and 4PM again available.
The format will be three players per team, with each team playing three rounds of golf for a total of 18 holes. FarmGolf will furnish hot dogs, with all the trimmings.
A separate covered dish item is requested of all golfers.
Women’s Tournament Set for
Saturday, August 19th
(FGP) The annual women’s tournament will be held on Saturday, August 19, 2006 beginning at 1PM. The format will be teams of 3 players and will feature 12 holes of play, with a 1-hour intermission for attitude adjustment.
The traditional FarmGolf flash will occur for the team finishing in last place, with this photo used in advertising the 2007 event.