1st FarmGolf Fed-ex Cup Results, FarmGolf Shift Workers, New Nine Irony Poem – Prepare Yourself, 2007 Tailgate Report, 2nd European Marketing Trip Report, Top 25 FarmGolfers in the World, New Website Layout Coming Soon, 6th FarmGolf Masters Set for Sunday, April 13th
Founded in the Year 2000 – The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth about FarmGolf
2007 Fed-ex Cup Results
(FGP) Four 3-man teams of FarmGolfers, and a large contingent of spectators, attended the first FarmGolf Fed-ex Cup. Two newcomers accompanied Club Pro, David Smith, and found out that the rigorous sport of FarmGolf was a little too much for them as they had to quit after 12 holes. Therefore, only three teams placed.
This tournament featured the debut of the FarmGolf Intern, a temporary employee that assists with one FarmGolf tournament, gaining valuable skills which will better prepare the individual for real world situations. The first FarmGolf Intern had been selected in August of this year, with Lauren Caitlin Upton making her debut. A short interview with her is included further into this newsletter.
The winners of this tournament, which is not a FarmGolf major, received a significant boost in their world rankings. A revision to the list of published FarmGolfers has now been reduced to the previously mentioned fifty best FarmGolfers in the world to a maximum of 25. The reasons for this reduction are included in a separate story.
2007 Fed-ex Cup Scoreboard
The winners, by two shots, were Neil Creed, Gary Shaffer and Tom Schiefelbein. As the only group finishing below par, these fine golfers should be congratulated upon winning the first FarmGolf Fed-ex Cup. And to Gabe and Jay, don’t quit next time and you might find yourself in the world rankings.
2007 Fed-ex Cup Photo Gallery

FarmGolf Shift Workers
(FGP) As we end another season of FarmGolf, it is time to pause and remember the people who work behind the scenes at the FarmGolf Course. Some individuals, in positions of power, would be ashamed to be associated with the “shift workers” or people working in lesser capacities, maybe feeling that “they are high and mighty, etc”.
However, FarmGolf has always been proud of it’s employees, sponsors, course visitors and associates. So, it is with great pride that we honor a few of our behind the scenes workers. This photo is for you and for all you do, FarmGolf Shift Worker.

A New Poem
Prepare Yourself By Nine Irony
Will this be the last White Christmas, I don’t know,
But global warming would indicate so.
Was O.J. guilt? He says no,
How much more DNA do we need to show.
And what’s with book, why would it sell?
He has found trouble again, what does this tell?
We’re all suckers, the whole thing smells.
But as long as we are buying the media will sell.
The Jena Six and Memphis Three,
It takes no more to convince me.
I need to be ready for what is to be.
I need to prepare based on what I see.
The world is changing and not for the better.
We’re too much involved with Di’s love letters.
And the personal life of K Fedder.
We need to stop before the tears are wetter.
What happened to “Do unto others” and mutual respect.
Did they fade away? Are we all in the wreck?
Could we all stop saying “what the heck,”
And give a damn with out regret?
Hillary’s Camp said Obama did drugs.
Is that any worse than Bill giving hugs?
You not what I mean. Don’t do “the shrug”.
Should we all live in fear of the listening bugs?
Listen to me, I’m giving advice.
You better make sure you’re free of lice,
Because someone is documenting your secret vice.
And it will come out when you’ve haven’t thought twice.
I’m still positive, despite what I’m exposed to.
I guess this just goes to show you.
It all depends on your point of view.
I’m teaching my children to see it through.
3rd “WVU Tailgate Season” Highlights
(FGP) The 3rd season of the FarmGolf Tailgate kicked off at Mountaineer Field on September 2, 2007. A new page has pictures from all six games.
2nd FarmGolf European Marketing
Campaign Report
(FGP) The Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner traveled to Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic to promote FarmGolf as a part of the European Marketing Campaign 2007.
The trip also included some time for relaxation, as evidenced by the below pictures.
Munich Pics

Austria Pics

Prague Pics

Berlin Pics

It is not yet known if any new courses will be constructed as a result of this visit, but at a minimum thousands of new people throughout Europe are now aware of FarmGolf.
A thoroughly great tax-deductible investment for FarmGolf in 2007.
Top 50 FarmGolfers Reduced to Top 25
(FGP) To coincide with national polling in college sports and to be a recognized, world-certified poll, FarmGolf will now only display the Top 25 golfers in the world. Although the point system and the ranked golfers still exist beyond the 25th position, their identity will now remain anonymous.
This new procedure will allow FarmGolf to meet all the requirements of the World Ranking Board.
New Website Layout Coming for
(FGP) Previously expected to be in place by Christmas of 2007, the new layout has been delayed and is currently undergoing testing.
6th FarmGolf Masters Set for Sunday, April 13th
(FGP) The next tournament will be held in April, 2008 at the world famous FarmGolf Course. Last year’s tournament had terrible weather and was shortened to nine (9) holes. This year’s forecast is much better and it is expected that the entire round of 18 holes will be played.
3-man teams will be picked, according to their Top 25 Ranking, with each golfer paying the $10.00 greens fee.
A covered dish item is requested of all golfers.